I work with open source and free software technologies and
specialise in C, scripting and PHP.
I live with my partner, Tina, in the New Forest, England.
I don't do the blog thing. You either need to do it regularly and to an
entertaining standard (like
Jigsaw Pig) or not at all. I choose not at all. This page just holds
news, thoughts and snippets of information that don't deserve their own
page on the website.
Up until now I've been automatically moving all the spam to a separate folder
and skimming through it every couple of days. Today I took the decision to
stop doing that. It takes time and is rather tedious. From now on I'm trusting
Spam Assassin to get it right - anything Spam Assassin drops into the spam
bin disappears without me seeing it.
I've white listed everyone who normally sends me email, so this shouldn't
present problems to anyone who contacts me regularly. If you've sent me
something that I appear to have missed, it's only likely to have gone into
my spam trap if you sent it as HTML email.
Site and content Copyright 2005 Derek Fountain -
All Rights Reserved