I work with open source and free software technologies and
specialise in C, scripting and PHP.
I live with my partner, Tina, in the New Forest, England.
Z88DK List File Debugging with a modified
Fuse Emulator
Z88DK Debugging
Since I started with Z88DK it's become apparent that I've been a bit
spoilt over the years with source level debugging. Now I haven't got
it I realise how much I rely on it. When my Spectrum program doesn't
work the options appear to be to either stare at the C code hoping for
inspiration, or single step through the generated Z80 code hoping to
be able to follow what's going on. I went looking for an alternative.
The map file produced when you give the -m flag to zcc produces a
table of symbols and their addresses in the final executable. Adding
the --list option along with the --c-code-in-asm option produce
listing files containing the generated assembly language, commented
with the original C code. Given that the map contains the addresses of
all the functions, and the *.c.lis files contain the offset of each
Z80 instruction from the the start of the list file, with a bit of
munging it's possible to work out the absolute final address of any
instruction in the compiled program.
I wrote a Perl script to do this munging: it takes the map and listing
files, works out all the instruction addresses, then concatenates the
listing files to generate a single listing file where each line is
pre-pended with the instruction address. So it looks, for example,
like this:
The "0xXXXX ++" tag on the left side is what my script adds to the
single output file - the address of each instruction. I refer to this
file as the "tagged source".
Z88DK Debugging
I then went to the Fuse emulator debugger source and added a Gtk text
widget into the window. The Gtk text widget has the concept of "marks"
which allow a point in the text to be identified by a name, a short
text string. The widget seems happy to have thousands of these marks,
so I wrote some code to load my tagged source file into it, using each
line's address tag as a text widget mark. This allows the Gtk text
widget containing my tagged source to be able to find and scroll the
text to the instruction at any given address.
Final step: the Fuse debugger has a hook which allows the dialog to be
updated as the emulator advances the Z80 program counter, so I hooked
my Gtk text widget to that with a bit of code which takes the PC
register, converts it to a string, finds that string as a mark in the
text and scrolls to it. The effect is that as you click the "step"
button in the Fuse debugger, the C-and-assembler mixed code in the
text window follows the program counter.
Obviously you're still stepping though Z80 instructions, not C code,
and you don't get the see the local variables unless you pay attention
to the registers or the position in the stack frame they're in. But
you do get the context of the C program. You can see the C code the
Z80 is working though, and you can see all the symbols which are in
that C code, including function names, statically allocated variables
and compiler generated labels. It's not hard to see how the Z80 flags
are controlling loops, etc.
I recorded a short desktop video, showing it working:
I don't know how useful anyone else might find this, but for me, at my
level of experience, I'm finding myself using it all the time.
Fuse is free software and I have a fork on SourceForge. I'm not sure
where this is going yet, so can't really provide a static link to the
fork. If you want a copy of the Perl script or the Fuse fork, by all
means contact me.
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