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25643: Spaceship has been hit, award bonus
Pick a random value for the bonus out of the table, add that to the player score, then print the bonus value on screen where the spaceship is.
Used by the routine at hit_spaceship.
award_spaceship_bonus 25643 LD A,(_CYCLER_4) Pick up "just about random value" and make it 0 to 3 inclusive
25646 RRA
25647 AND 3
25649 LD HL,_BONUS_TABLE Find entry in bonus table. Add offset into it. A now contains spaceship bonus
25652 CALL add_a_to_hl_1
25655 LD A,(HL)
25656 LD B,A Stash bonus in B
25657 LD HL,(_CURRENT_SCORE) Increase score and write back.
25660 CALL add_a_to_hl_1
Now we need to print the bonus where the spaceship is
25666 LD A,(_SPACESHIP_XPOS) Pick up xpos in pixels
25669 SRL A div 2
25671 SRL A div 4
25673 SRL A div 8
25675 LD C,A C=cx
25676 LD L,B Retrieve bonus from B and add to HL. HL is points bonus as 16 bits
25677 LD H,0
25679 LD B,1 B=cy=1
25681 LD A,2 2 chars, the print routine adds the extra '0'
25683 JP print_score Print that number where the ship is
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