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26375: Recalc alien numeric data on alien hit
This updates a set of numerical values which control alien horde data. We have _ALIENS_LEFT_IN_ROWS which holds a 5 entry array containing the number of aliens in each row. One entry in that needs to be decremented. Then there's _ALIENS_LEFT_IN_COLs which holds an 11 entry array containing the number of aliens in each column. Decrement an entry in there too. _LOWEST_ACTIVE_ALIEN_ROW is then recalculated so we know which is the lowest on screen row which still has at least one alien left in it. _LEFTMOST_ACTIVE_ALIEN_COL and _RIGHTMOST_ACTIVE_ALIEN_COL are then recalculated so we know how far across the horde has to move left to right.
Used by the routine at alien_hit.
_HIT_ALIEN_ROW holds row of alien that has been hit
_CX_OFFSET_HIT_ALIEN holds cx value of hit alien, so 0 to 21.
Start by decrementing the number of aliens in the hit alien's row
recalc_horde_stats 26375 LD HL,_ALIENS_LEFT_IN_ROWS Find this row's entry in the table which holds the number of aliens left in each row (0 to 11). Decrement it.
26381 CALL add_a_to_hl_2
26384 DEC (HL)
Now decrement the number of aliens in the hit alien's column
26385 LD HL,_ALIENS_LEFT_IN_COLs Find the column the hit alien is in and get the aliens-left value for that column (0 to 5). Decrement it. IX value set here appears to be redundant.
26395 SRL A
26397 CALL add_a_to_hl_2
26400 DEC (HL)
The row and columns tables have been decremented, so now update the values which store the extremes of the horde. If the last alien in a row and/or column was just zapped we need to update these values.
Look for row with at least one alien in it. Work from the bottom row upwards.
26401 LD HL,_ALIENS_LEFT_IN_ROWS Pick up the number-left-in-rows table
26404 LD A,(_LOWEST_ACTIVE_ALIEN_ROW) Current lowest screen row with at least one alien left
26407 INC A Make it correct for this purpose
26408 LD B,A B is the counter for this loop
26409 CALL add_a_to_hl_2 Find entry in alien rows table
26412 XOR A Zero A
recalc_horde_stats_0 26413 DEC HL We're going from bottom row to top. HL is now the row above where we last thought the lowest empty row was.
26414 DEC B Move up a row - is the number of aliens in this row zero?
26415 OR (HL)
26416 JR Z,recalc_horde_stats_0 Yes, jump back to check next row up.
B now contains index of the lowest non-empty alien row. Update _LOWEST_ACTIVE_ALIEN_ROW with that.
26418 LD A,B Update value which stores the lowest screen row with at least one alien
Look for the left most column with an alien still in it
26422 LD B,255 B is -1 for the start of the loop
26424 LD HL,_ALIENS_LEFT_IN_COLs HL is number of aliens in column table
26427 XOR A Zero A
26428 DEC HL Back one, just for the loop
recalc_horde_stats_1 26429 INC HL Move along the aliens-in-cols table looking for the first entry with non-zero aliens. That's what we're looking for.
26430 INC B
26431 OR (HL)
26432 JR Z,recalc_horde_stats_1
Non-empty column on left side found, its index is in B
26434 LD A,B A contains index of leftmost non-empty alien column. Store that.
Look for the right most column with an alien still in it
26438 LD HL,_ALIENS_LEFT_IN_COLs HL is number of aliens in column table
26441 LD A,11 B starts at 12
26443 LD B,A
26444 INC B
26445 CALL add_a_to_hl_2 HL contains right most column
26448 XOR A Zero A
recalc_horde_stats_2 26449 DEC HL Work back leftwards, looking for the first column which has a non-zero number of aliens in it.
26450 DEC B
26451 OR (HL)
26452 JR Z,recalc_horde_stats_2
Non-empty column on right side found, its index is in B
26454 LD A,B A contains index of rightmost non-empty alien column. Store that.
26458 RET
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