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26566: Handle player inputs.
Call the read the keyboard routine, which updates the player's ship's direction, and whether they've hit fire. Move the player's ship based on input. If there's a bullet in flight reposition and redraw it. That ends the routine because there's only one bullet allowed. If no bullet is in flight check to see if fire was pressed. If so, start a new bullet on its way.
Used by the routine at start.
handle_inputs 26566 CALL read_keyboard Read keyboard
26569 CALL redraw_player_ship Move and redraw player
26572 LD A,(_PLAYER_BULLET_IN_FLIGHT) If bullet is in flight jump off to reposition and redraw it.
26575 OR A
26576 JP NZ,draw_player_bullet
26579 LD A,(_FIRE_PRESSED) Has fire been pressed? Return if not
26582 OR A
26583 RET Z
26584 JP fire_pressed Handle firing of bullet
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