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26916: Draw the player bullet.
The bullet graphic is cleared from the screen, its position is moved 4 pixels up, and then it's drawn back in again (assuming it's not reached the top of the screen).
Used by the routine at handle_inputs.
draw_player_bullet 26916 LD IX,_PLAYER_BULLET_XPOS Clear the player bullet sprite from its current x,y position.
26923 LD A,1
26925 CALL sprite_draw_or_clear
26928 LD A,(IX+1) Fetch player bullet ypos
26931 SUB 4 Move it up 4 pixels. If that puts it 4 pixels from the top of the screen jump off to clear it
26933 CP 4
26935 JR Z,clear_player_bullet_0
26937 LD (IX+1),A Bullet still on screen, update ypos
This entry point is used by the routine at fire_pressed.
draw_player_bullet_0 26940 LD HL,_GFX_PLAYER_BULLET Draw the player bullet sprite in its new position
26943 XOR A
26944 JP sprite_draw_or_clear
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