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25442: Spaceship handler
First, is there a spaceship in play? If not we decide whether we should create one based on the "random" number generator. If yes, choose whether it's going left to right or right to left. If no, we're done.
Otherwise, yes, there's a spaceship in play. In that case, every other game cycle the spaceship is moved one pixel and it's checked for a player bullet collision. Every other other cycle we make its noise and exit.
Used by the routine at start.
spaceship_handler 25442 LD A,(_SPACESHIP_DIRECTION) Is there a spaceship in play? Jump forward if there is
25445 OR A
25446 JR NZ,spaceship_in_play
25448 LD A,(_CYCLER_3) Introduce a new spaceship if the cycling value is in the range 65280 to 65305.
25451 CP 255
25453 RET NZ
25454 LD A,(_CYCLER_4)
25457 CP 25
25459 RET NC
25460 LD A,(_CYCLER_4) OK, new spaceship required. Which direction should it go? Pick up low bit of random number
25463 BIT 0,A
25465 JR Z,new_spaceship_leftwards
25467 LD A,1 New spaceship going left to right.
25472 XOR A New spaceship starts at x=0
25476 RET
new_spaceship_leftwards 25477 LD A,255 New spaceship going right to left.
25482 LD A,233 New spaceship starts at x=255 minus the width of the graphic
25487 RET
If we get here there's a spaceship in play. Either move it or make its sound, alternating each game cycle.
spaceship_in_play 25488 LD A,(_SPACESHIP_SOUND_PULSE) Two's comp this, so every other time we play the spaceship noise. That routine returns, so that's the end of this code. Every other other time we drop through and move the spaceship
25491 NEG
25496 JP P,spaceship_noise
25499 LD IX,_SPACESHIP_XPOS IX points to spaceship's xpos
25503 LD A,(_SPACESHIP_DIRECTION) Which way is it going? Jump if it's going left to right
25506 CP 1
25508 JR Z,spaceship_l_to_r
25510 LD HL,_GFX_SPACESHIP_R_TO_L Spaceship right to left sprite data
25513 DEC (IX+0) Move xpos one pixel leftwards
25516 XOR A Has it reached left side of the screen? If not redraw it
25517 CP (IX+0)
25520 JR NZ,redraw_spaceship
25522 JR clear_spaceship Otherwise clear it off
spaceship_l_to_r 25524 LD HL,_GFX_SPACESHIP_L_TO_R Spaceship left to right sprite data
25527 INC (IX+0) Move xpos one pixel rightwards
25530 LD A,234 Has it reached right side of the screen? If not redraw it.
25532 CP (IX+0)
25535 JR NZ,redraw_spaceship Otherwise drop through to clear it
Clear the spaceship from the screen and clear the flag saying there is one.
This entry point is used by the routines at hit_spaceship and alien_hit.
clear_spaceship 25537 XOR A Set direction flag saying no spaceship
25541 LD DE,16416 Jump to clear spaceship screen row, returns out of this code
25544 JP clear_char_row
Redraw the spaceship. Jumped to with the correct spaceship sprite data pointed to by HL.
redraw_spaceship 25547 LD A,1 Mode clear
25549 CALL sprite_draw_or_clear Clear spaceship sprite
25552 XOR A Mode set
25553 CALL sprite_draw_or_clear Draw spaceship sprite
25556 LD A,(_PLAYER_BULLET_IN_FLIGHT) All done if no bullet in flight, there can't have been a collision
25559 OR A
25560 RET Z
Check if player bullet has hit the spaceship. This checks the bullet location against the spaceship location. If the bullet location is greater than the spaceship's left side location, and also less than the spaceship's right side location, it's a hit.
spaceship_bullet_check 25561 LD IX,_PLAYER_BULLET_XPOS Pick player bullet ypos from player bullet data
25565 LD A,(IX+1)
25568 CP 16 Has it reached the spaceship's row (in px)? Can't be a collision if it hasn't
25570 RET NC
25571 LD A,(_SPACESHIP_XPOS) Compare bullet xpos with spaceship xpos. Bullet has to be to the right of spaceship for there to be a collision
25574 CP (IX+0)
25577 RET NC
25578 ADD A,23 A now contains xpos of right side of spaceship
25580 CP (IX+0) Bullet location must be to the left side of that point for the spaceship to be hit. If it isn't the bullet isn't in the spaceship's width so we return.
25583 RET C
25584 CALL hit_spaceship Otherwise it's a hit. Deal with it and set the spaceship flag to "no spaceship"
25587 XOR A
25591 RET
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