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27030: Initialise alien position data
There's a table of alien row positions at _ALIEN_ROWS_DATA. It contains 5 2-byte entries, one for each row. Each entry contains the cx,cy location for the row. They start at 5,y, where 'y' is the row down the screen which advances each completed screen.
This code also sets up the aliens UDG data, which is the alien colour and which way they are looking.
Used by the routine at start.
init_alien_row_data 27030 LD A,(_ALIENS_START_ROW) Pick up the screen row where the aliens start
27033 ADD A,3 Add 3, no obvious reason not to store this adjusted value in _ALIENS_START_ROW
27035 LD (_ALIEN_UDGS_START),A Stash that
27038 LD HL,_ALIEN_TYPES_PER_ROW Alien types per row, yellow, green, green, red, red
27041 LD (_ALIEN_TYPE_TEMP),HL Stash that
27044 LD A,4 Loop this code 5 times (really, P flag is used below)
27049 LD IX,_ALIEN_ROWS_DATA Get a pointer to alien row position data
init_alien_row_data_0 27053 LD (IX+0),5 Byte 0 is cx, which starts as 5 chars in from left
27057 INC IX
27059 LD A,(_ALIEN_UDGS_START) Pick up starting row number
27062 LD (IX+0),A Byte 1 is cy, which starts as row number down screen
27065 INC IX
27067 INC A Down 2 rows (aliens are 2 UDGs high) and update starting row number
27068 INC A
27072 LD HL,(_ALIEN_TYPE_TEMP) Pick up type table location again
27075 LD A,(HL) Find alien type for this row
27076 INC HL Update alien type ready for next row
27080 CALL find_alien_udg Get UDG sprite type in A into HL
27083 CALL populate_alien_row_udgs Prime the graphics ready for drawing. This advances IX by 704 bytes
27086 LD A,(_ALIEN_INIT_COUNTER) Pick up counter and repeat for each row. P flag on the jump is an odd choice.
27089 DEC A
27093 JP P,init_alien_row_data_0
27096 RET
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