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30857: Move aliens
March the aliens along and down. This is called from the main game loop. It deals with one row of aliens at a time and is called repeatedly which keeps things smooth (bullets moving etc.) as the aliens move left, right and down.
The argument is is _ALIEN_BAND_ARG and is the row to move. It's maintained by this piece of code.
Used by the routine at dec_timer_move_aliens.
There's a chunk of unused code near the top of this function.
_ALIEN_BAND_ARG Index of the band of aliens to deal with this time
_MOVING_ALIENS_DOWN_FLAG Flag set 0 if the aliens are moving sideways, 1 if they're moving downwards
_HORDE_DIRECTION Alien horde direction, 1 or -1
move_aliens 30857 LD A,(_ALIEN_BAND_ARG) Pick up band to deal with this iteration
30860 LD B,A If the band to deal with is lower than the lowest band with aliens, then the band to deal with has no aliens in it. We're not going to have to draw the row so skip the preparation code. In practise this routine is never called with args which cause this jump not to be taken.
30864 CP B
30865 JR NC,ma_jump_always_taken
In theory this code should be preparing the data for the row to move, but in practise this doesn't seem to get called.
30867 LD (_ALIEN_BAND_ARG),A Code not used
30873 OR A
30874 JR NZ,ma_jump_always_taken
30879 CALL find_alien_row_data
30882 CALL prep_alien_row_data
30885 CALL ma_check_horde_left
The above is not used, resume here.
ma_jump_always_taken 30888 LD A,(_ALIEN_BAND_ARG) Which row are we moving sidewards? If it's the 0th (top) row we make the noise. Otherwise jump over the noise call.
30891 OR A
30892 JR NZ,ma_skip_noise
Top row of aliens has to move along. Make "dit" noise. Sound for moving alien rows down is in move_one_row_aliens_down.
30894 CALL sound_burbler Sound burbler
30897 DEFB 10,250,0 Aliens marching sound
We need to move a row, prep the row data
ma_skip_noise 30900 CALL find_alien_row_data Address of alien row 'A's data
30903 CALL prep_alien_row_data Work out this row's left side space, the width of the horde, and the right side space. Prime all values ready for the print routine.
30906 LD A,(_MOVING_ALIENS_DOWN_FLAG) Are we in the process of moving the rows downwards? If not jump to the sideways movement code
30909 OR A
30910 JR Z,ma_move_row_sideways
We're moving the rows of aliens downwards. We iterate from bottom row (row 4) to top row (row 0).
30912 CALL move_one_row_aliens_down Move this row down, then come back here. This call contains the code to print the row in its new place
30915 LD A,(_ALIEN_BAND_ARG) Was that the 0th row? If not we branch to exit, ready to do the next row next time.
30918 OR A
30919 JR NZ,ma_ready_next_row_and_exit
Moving the horde downwards is complete, we've just done the top row. Change the horde's direction, then exit
30921 LD (_MOVING_ALIENS_DOWN_FLAG),A A contains row 0 - handy, reset moving downwards flag
30924 LD A,(_HORDE_DIRECTION) Invert direction
30927 NEG
30932 RET
This is the exit point for when moving the rows downwards. It updates the arg with the next row up.
ma_ready_next_row_and_exit 30933 DEC A Decrement the arg value ready to do the next row next time and return
30937 RET
We're moving the rows sideways. Move the current one then check if it's the lowest one on screen. If it isn't we go set the arg to be the next band down and exit ready for the next call.. If it is the lowest on screen we branch off to check if the horde can move sideways next time or whether we need to switch to moving them all downwards.
ma_move_row_sideways 30938 CALL position_and_print_moved_row Move this row of aliens down one. If this is the lowest row of aliens jump out to the sideways movement check routine. Otherwise drop through to prepare to move the next row sideways next time round.
30944 LD B,A
30948 CP B
30949 JR Z,ma_check_horde_left
30951 LD A,(_ALIEN_BAND_ARG) Increment band to check next time round and return
30954 INC A
30958 RET
Which way is the horde moving? Branch to check if there's still room to go sideways.
ma_check_horde_left 30959 LD A,(_HORDE_DIRECTION) Pick up horde direction. Is it going left to right? Jump to the check for space on the right side if so.
30962 CP 1
30964 JR Z,ma_check_right
Horde is moving right to left. Is there room on the left side to move that way? If so we exit via the still-going-sideways branch. Otherwise drop through to switch to downwards movement.
30966 LD A,(_ALIEN_ROW_LEFT_MARGIN) If this row's left side isn't zero there's still room to move so we exit going sideways. Otherwise drop through to start them heading downwards.
30969 OR A
30970 JR NZ,ma_exit_looping_sideways
Loop is now dealing with aliens moving downwards. Set that flag and exit.
ma_exit_looping_downwards 30972 LD A,1 Set _MOVING_ALIENS_DOWN_FLAG to 1 and return
30977 RET
Horde is moving left to right. Is there room on the right side to move that way? If not we need to switch to moving them downwards.
ma_check_right 30978 LD A,(_ALIEN_ROW_LEFT_MARGIN) Add left side to horde width. If that's off the right side of the screen there's no right side space so we have to switch to moving them all downwards. Otherwise drop through.
30981 LD B,A
30985 ADD A,B
30986 CP 32
30988 JR Z,ma_exit_looping_downwards
ma_exit_looping_sideways 30990 XOR A We're now moving sideways so set _ALIEN_BAND_ARG to 0 and return
30994 RET
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