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31119: Prepare alien row drawing data
This is looking at the alien row data and working out where on screen to draw the row. It needs to look at the left side space, the number of aliens still left in this row, and the right side space. It also works out if the next row draw has to draw the alien's facing left or right and sets the UDG pointer appropriately.
Routine at 31119
IX Address of alien row data, one starting at _ALIEN_ROWS_DATA
prep_alien_row_data 31119 LD (_ALIEN_ROW_PTR),IX Stash IX
31123 LD C,(IX+0) Put alien row cypos,cxpos into next alien row to draw
31126 LD B,(IX+1)
31133 LD A,(_LEFTMOST_ACTIVE_ALIEN_COL) Pick up left most colum to draw
31136 INC A Multiply by 2 because aliens are 2 chars wide
31137 SLA A
31139 LD C,A Set IX to point to this row's alien UDG data
31140 LD B,0
31142 ADD IX,BC
31144 LD A,(_NEXT_ALIEN_ROW_TO_DRAW) cy in A
31147 RRA Rotate bottom bit into carry
31148 JR NC,prep_alien_row_data_0 Every other draw we switch the alien graphics look left/right UDG selection
31150 LD BC,352
31153 ADD IX,BC
prep_alien_row_data_0 31155 LD (_ALIEN_SPRITE_DATA_PTR),IX That's the graphics data to use
31159 LD A,(_NEXT_ALIEN_ROW_TO_DRAW) Put row cy in B
31162 LD B,A
31163 LD A,(_LEFTMOST_ACTIVE_ALIEN_COL) Pick up leftmost alien and double it to get width in chars.
31166 SLA A
31168 ADD A,B Add that to leftmost alien pos
31169 LD (_ALIEN_ROW_LEFT_MARGIN),A That's the left margin for this row
31172 LD A,(_LEFTMOST_ACTIVE_ALIEN_COL) Pick up left most active alien column and the rightmost active alien column. Subtract one from the other and double it because aliens are 2 chars wide.
31175 LD B,A
31179 SUB B
31180 SLA A
31182 LD (_ALIEN_ROW_BANK_WIDTH),A That's the width of the row
31185 LD B,A Put width in B
31186 LD A,(_ALIEN_ROW_LEFT_MARGIN) Pick up the width of the space on the left and add the width of the aliens in the row. Subtract screen width and negate, gives the remainder space for the right side.
31189 ADD A,B
31190 SUB 32
31192 NEG
31197 RET
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