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31303: Set alien colour band
Sets 2 rows of attributes to an INK colour, starting with the row in _NEXT_ALIEN_ROW_TO_DRAW. The colour comes from a table indexed by the value at _ALIEN_BAND_ARG.
As the aliens move down the screen the bands of yellow, green, green, red, red need to move down with them. This sets the colour bands for one row of aliens
The alien band to set is passed in via _ALIEN_BAND_ARG and provides the colour: top row (0) is yellow, row 1 is green, etc
_NEXT_ALIEN_ROW_TO_DRAW is cy; the cy is the attribute row to start at. _ALIEN_BAND_ARG contains band to set colour, 0 being top alien row
Called from the routine at print_alien_row
set_alien_colour_band 31303 LD BC,(_NEXT_ALIEN_ROW_TO_DRAW) cy from here goes into B
31307 LD C,0 cx is 0, start of row
31309 LD HL,_ALIEN_COLOUR_BANDS Colour bands table
31312 LD A,(_ALIEN_BAND_ARG) Alien row to colour, 0 to 4 (top to bottom)
31315 ADD A,L Find table entry
31316 LD L,A
31317 JR NC,set_alien_colour_band_0
31319 INC H
set_alien_colour_band_0 31320 LD A,(HL) Pick up INK colour from (HL)
31321 LD E,A E is INK colour
31322 LD D,64 2 full rows
31324 JP set_attributes_xy_n Set INK colour of 64 cells from B,C
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