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31198: Print one row of aliens
Display a single row of aliens, the subroutine this calls displaying one scan line at a time. This code does 8 scan lines, which is the top half of the alien graphic data, then does it again with the bottom half of the alien graphic data.
Used by the routines at move_one_row_aliens_down and init_draw_aliens.
print_alien_row 31198 CALL set_alien_colour_band Set attribute band on screen
31201 LD BC,(_NEXT_ALIEN_ROW_TO_DRAW) Start with the top part of the UDG, the alien's heads as it were, Call down.
31205 CALL print_alien_row_0
31208 LD BC,(_NEXT_ALIEN_ROW_TO_DRAW) Back here, so do same again with B++, which does the feet. Drop through and out this time
31212 INC B
print_alien_row_0 31213 LD A,8 8 scans, that's half an alien, vertically speaking 16 pixel high sprites
31218 LD C,0 cx, start at extreme left
31220 CALL cxy2saddr DE = screen address of cy,cx
31223 LD (_SPRITE_SCR_DEST),DE This variable holds the left side address of the screen scan line
print_alien_row_1 31227 CALL draw_alien_sprite_scan Takes _SPRITE_SCR_DEST as screen location to draw to. Takes _ALIEN_SPRITE_DATA_PTR as sprite data to fill in. Takes _ALIEN_ROW_LEFT_MARGIN as width of left margin to zero. Takes _ALIEN_ROW_BANK_WIDTH as width of alien bank. Takes _ALIEN_ROW_RIGHT_MARGIN as width of right margin to zero.
31230 LD HL,(_ALIEN_SPRITE_DATA_PTR) Pick up data pointer and add 22 bytes to it. 22 chars is 11 aliens, each 2 chars wide. i.e. this advances the alien sprite data ready for displaying the next scan line.
31233 LD BC,22
31236 ADD HL,BC
31240 LD HL,(_SPRITE_SCR_DEST) Next scan down
31243 INC H
31247 LD A,(_SPRITE_DRAW_SCAN_COUNTER) One more scan drawn
31250 DEC A
31254 JR NZ,print_alien_row_1 Back for the next of the 8 we do here
31256 RET
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