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31075: Initialise draw aliens
This displays the bands of aliens - from the bottom upwards it's red, bleep, red, bleep, green, bleep, green, bleep, yellow.
Used by the routine at start.
init_draw_aliens 31075 LD A,4 5 rows (really, P flag is used below)
init_draw_aliens_0 31077 LD (_ALIEN_BAND_ARG),A Alien row counter, 4 to 0
31080 CALL find_alien_row_data Address of alien row 'A's data into IX
31083 CALL prep_alien_row_data Work out this row's left side space, the width of the horde, and the right side space. Prime all values ready for the print routine.
31086 CALL print_alien_row Print a row of aliens on screen. Alien data is at IX, _NEXT_ALIEN_ROW_TO_DRAW holds screen cx,cy
31089 CALL sound_burbler Sound burbler, row of aliens appearing
31092 DEFB 25,240,100,120,25,240,0
Sound burbler return point
31099 LD A,(_ALIEN_BAND_ARG) Dec counter and repeat 5 times.
31102 DEC A
31103 JP P,init_draw_aliens_0
31106 RET
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