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31527: Has bullet hit a barrier?
Check whether a bullet has hit one of the barriers, and if so nibble a bit out of the barrier. This is used by alien bullets coming down and player bullets going up. The input is the tip of the bullet, its direction isn't used.
If the barriers aren't there, or the bullet location is either above or below the barrier area, there's nothing to do. Otherwise, clear a randomly shaped set of pixels around the bullet tip, then make a click noise.
Used by the routines at move_alien_bullet and not_hit_player_bullet.
B Leading tip of bullet screen location ypos
C Leading tip of bullet screen location xpos
Z flag set if no barrier hit and the bullet is still in flight
NZ if barrier has been hit
bullet_barrier_hit 31527 LD A,(_BARRIERS_SUPPRESSED) Return immediately if the barriers are suppressed
31530 OR A
31531 RET Z
31532 LD (_TMP_ALIEN_BULLET_LOCATION_X),BC Save ypos,xpos of leading tip of bullet here
31536 LD A,B A is ypos
31537 CP 162 Top of barriers, pixel location
31539 JR C,barrier_not_hit Not got that far? Jump out
31541 CP 184 Bottom of barriers, pixel location
31543 JR NC,barrier_not_hit Below that? Jump out
31545 CALL pixel_clearbyte Clear barrier pixel at tip of bullet. If it's already empty this pixel of the barrier has already been hit in which case the bullet keeps going
31548 RET Z
Alien bullet is hitting a barrier
31549 CALL update_cycler_values Churn the randomness of the nibbler
31552 LD IX,_BARRIER_NIBBLER_TABLE Table of nibbler values
31556 LD A,8 Nibble barrier 8 times
31558 LD (_DRAW_BARRIER_COUNT),A Temp store for counter value
barrier_check_loop 31561 LD A,(_TMP_ALIEN_BULLET_LOCATION_X) Add a nibbler value to bullet xpos, put it in C
31564 ADD A,(IX+0)
31567 LD C,A
31568 LD A,(_TMP_ALIEN_BULLET_LOCATION_Y) Add a nibbler value to bullet ypos, put it in B
31571 ADD A,(IX+1)
31574 LD B,A
31575 INC IX Next nibbler table entry into IX
31577 INC IX
31579 LD A,(_CYCLER_1) Pick up cycler, rotate it, and if a one ends up in the carry bit, nibble out this barrier pixel
31582 RLA
31583 LD (_CYCLER_1),A
31586 CALL C,pixel_clear
31589 LD A,(_DRAW_BARRIER_COUNT) Decrement counter, go back and do it again 8 times
31592 DEC A
31596 JR NZ,barrier_check_loop
Nibble 3 vertical pixels out of the barrier at, above, and below the bullet tip impact point
31598 LD BC,(_TMP_ALIEN_BULLET_LOCATION_X) Clear barrier pixel of bullet tip
31602 CALL pixel_clear
31605 LD BC,(_TMP_ALIEN_BULLET_LOCATION_X) Clear barrier pixel of the one below the buller tip
31609 INC B
31610 CALL pixel_clear
31613 LD BC,(_TMP_ALIEN_BULLET_LOCATION_X) Clear barrier pixel of the one above the bullet tip
31617 DEC B
31618 CALL pixel_clear
31621 CALL sound_burbler Sound burbler
31624 DEFB 4,20,4 Little click for barrier hit sound
31627 DEFB 30,0
Sound burbler return point
31629 OR 1 Z flag reset to tell caller barrier has been hit
31631 RET
barrier_not_hit 31632 XOR A A=0, Z flag set to tell caller barrier hasn't been hit
31633 RET
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